October 2011

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How many mistakes can you make? Everyone has a friend that tells them stories about their dreams. Incredible stories. Stories where the dreams match a later event with almost unbelievable accuracy. I have a friend who is convinced that he has some fo…
How do people like to pay for professional services? Anecdotal evidence is fine to allow you to form a hypothesis but if you want to make firm decisions in relation to your business, it is better to do it with cold hard statistics. I have long been a…
Lead Article (Self-help topic – STAFF) Every business that I speak with tells me how hard it is to attract and retain great staff. Even terrible staff are incredibly hard to attract and retain in the current employment environment. There are a …
Can a chipset help your Managed Services solution? Several years ago, I participated in a combined case study with Intel and an automation tool to gauge the impact of using an advanced remote chipset such as that provided by Intel vProTM technology. …
Will a PSA actually make you more money? If you feel a few too many pounds around your girth when you buckle your belt, you might consider seeing a fitness instructor and asking for some advice. Many people are interested to find out which is the bes…
Work smarter or harder There are some business models that rely solely upon increasing your workforce and making a margin on what you pay each employee. For example, your cost for each employee (including all on-costs) might total $55 per hour. Your …
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