January 2017

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With the NBN rolling out throughout our region and people enjoying faster connections from their home to the Internet, it has highlighted the need for faster connections throughout your home. When the Internet was first introduced in Australia on 24 …
When I was growing up I used to enjoy spending time with my Dad attending race meetings at the Dubbo Greyhound Racing Club. While at the meetings, I would grab a race book and try and pick a few winners and Dad would give me a dollar to put a bet on …
The first Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite was launched in 1978 by the US Military with the intention for it to be for military use only but in 1983, then President Ronald Reagan, announced that GPS would be made available for civilian use. …
Happy New Year! I am a firm opponent of resolutions for the New Year but if I was going to make a resolution, maybe it would involve learning another language – or maybe not… If you remember back to the 1978 bestselling comedy science fi…
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