How many times a day do you say “Google it?” For those with kids, how many times do you instruct them to ‘Google it?” Across the world, there are 7.6 billion people but only about 4 billion have access to the Internet. Google,…
When I was growing up and I sat around and watched TV I used to complain to my Dad about the ads. Back when I was a boy growing up in regional Australia, we had two TV stations. The clumsily named CBN8/CWN6 station was the commercial station and we h…
We had a frustrating incident this week. Our good business name was used by someone, somewhere in the world to try and fleece 45,000 people across the world of their hard-earned money. It is a common scenario that scamsters use – try and impers…
It was the early eighties. The corner store at Boundary Road a few blocks from where I lived had Pinball machines – which I wasn’t very good at! We used to watch and marvel at the kids from other schools who were always winning free games…
I made the statement previously that I would visit all 133 localities in the Dubbo electorate during my listening tour. I like to be very accurate with any statement I make and, after further research, this number of 133 is incorrect. I apologise for…
Dubbo Trivia Questions: 1. Dubbo was gazetted as a village on 23 November 1849 and declared a municipality on 19 February 1872 with its first Mayor elected on 24 April 1872. It is now a City. a. …
Business owners often tell me that one of their biggest fears is that they will take good, young, inexperienced staff members and train them and give them skills and experience, and then they will leave the organisation and chase the bigger bu…