August 2018

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I am going to utter three letters that cause a huge amount of elation and frustration and glee and anger among Australians. Sometimes all at the same time and all from the one person. It depends on where you live and what you do as to the level of wh…
Today gives me the opportunity to talk about two of my favourite things. Technology and cycling. It is also a story about how the modern world of product development works so differently to how it did in the past. Go back before we had the Internet a…
Foxtel made a major announcement this week in relation to TV resolution. They will start broadcasting shows in 4K – or more accurately 3840 pixels wide by 2160 pixels high. It started me thinking about the progression of television broadcasting…
As much as many great achievers throughout history might joke that the world would be better without their competition, the reality is that humans thrive on competition and rivalries to inspire improvement. Would John Landy and Roger Bannister both h…
We were extremely fortunate this week to have some of the largest technology companies in the world deliver presentations in our city at the inaugural conference, organised by a very progressive Dubbo Chamber of Commerce. Speakers from Micr…
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