October 2018

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I have to get something off my chest. I believe in Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC). Actually, that isn’t strictly correct. It is not so much that I believe in Climate Change any more than I believe in the fact our planet revolves around the …
As with many industries, the die-hards are separated from the pretenders by their knowledge of acronyms and initialisms (AAI). If you really want to know you are speaking to an expert in any industry, listen to how many AAIs roll off the tongue in no…
It is an all too common experience. You sit down for dinner and gather the family around to discuss the events of the day. Your first forkful of a well-prepared meal is on its way to your mouth to satisfy your hunger when rudely interrupted by&hellip…
Ask any millennial and they will tell you that ALL sales are now online. It may seem that way – and there is incredible growth in online sales – but there is still some bite left in bricks and mortar. I recently delivered some presentatio…
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