November 2018

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I am an unabashed fan of electric cars. I also believe that if you talk the talk, you need to walk the walk. To that point, I am currently driving number seven electric or electric hybrid car since 2005. In order: Toyota Prius; Toyota Camry Hybrid; H…
Look briefly at the following transcript of a recorded telephone conversation between someone wanting to book a table at a restaurant and the restaurant. Restaurant: Good evening. Caller: Hello? Restaurant: Hello. Caller: Hi, um, I’d like to re…
When you walk around an office building, you can easily spot all the people that have watched the movie, Snowden. They are the ones with items stuck over the camera on their PC to block the NSA (or other agencies and individuals) from spying on their…
The very first phone I sold – way back in 1990 – was an NEC P3 but the most popular handheld mobile I sold around that time was the Motorola 8000. In much the same way that Apple started the smartphone revolution, the Motorola ‘bric…
When a young person with a clipboard approaches you on the street to ask a survey question, the researchers think they are obtaining the true thoughts of a randomised sample. That may well be the case – but it does depend on the question and th…
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