August 2019

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2G, or not 2G: that is the question: Whether ‘tis worthier to the mind or to suffer through 5G. Unlike poor Hamlet, I have not lost my mind but there is a lot of confusion with the various levels of ‘G’ that are quoted by telecommun…
I had the pleasure of being the MC at a tech conference recently. During one particular panel session, the discussion centred around the advantages of high-speed connectivity and what we are now doing differently because of this paradigm shift. Not s…
Paraphrasing the former US Secretary of Education, Richard Riley, we are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are pr…
In technology and innovation, it can be as much about when as it is about what. Six years ago, I was involved with a charity event and a standard recipe for such an event was for an auctioneer to take the microphone and spend thirty minutes trying to…
For over one hundred years, pragmatic advice freely handed out to people or organisations in a seemingly doomed situation has been “if you can’t lick ‘em, jine ‘em.” I suspect that was the logic applied in the latest mov…
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