The last column for the year. Around this time we see news and columns dedicate space and airtime to a review of the year. Far be it for me to be any different, so here is my very short version of the Dubbo City Council Year in Review.

On the sporting front, Dubbo again showed that it is a host City that attracts the best from the State – and beyond. We held the Cricket NSW U13 and U14 State Challenge this year; the NSW Country Colts Carnival for U19 players was also held in Dubbo along with the hugely successful NSW Aboriginal Rugby League Knockout. Evocities MTB Series Round five brought hundreds of visitors to our City; Tour de France three-time green jersey winner, Robbie McEwen also spent time in Dubbo as part of the Tour de OROC and the sporting highlight of the year was undoubtedly the inaugural DCC V OROC Councillors cricket match which resulted in a 68 run tie.

As with most years, we received a number of grants but we received our largest single ever grant this year along with our best result in big-ticket grants. We received $7.46 million for our runway strengthening project; $4.46 million was contributed to the Troy Rail deviation project; $3.29 million to extend our cattle selling facilities at the Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets (DRLM) and $3.26 million for a regional organics processing plant.

There were a significant number of capital works undertaken with the largest single capital works project ever by Dubbo City Council with the $23.7 million Sewage Treatment Plant; construction of the Gulambula Bridge on the Old Mendooran Road; several stages of the Darling Street redevelopment; the Anzac Memorial Walk in time for the Centenary Anzac Day services; the Watch Tower and Hospital at the Old Dubbo Gaol and the reconstruction of the Rotary Pond in Victoria Park.

This Council once again proved that it is improving its consultation skills repeatedly with the Ignite our Centre consultation program; the Elston Park playground choice program; The Eumungerie Sand Quarry public meeting and consultation; the Fit for the Future submission process in addition to the public exhibition of a range of items brought to Council.

Our business units continued to perform strongly with the DRLM extending its sheep-selling facilities and remaining as the nation’s number one combined sheep and cattle selling facility and our airport recording record numbers with 188,907 passengers and Dubbo now boasting flights to 5 ports including Melbourne and Brisbane with 166 regular flights each week.

Our Community Needs Survey gave a number of positive results with 93 per cent of the community satisfied they have the opportunity to have input on Council issues; 82 per cent satisfied with the overall operations of Council and 69 per cent satisfied with the performance of Councillors. The highlight for the year was being declared Fit for the Future in the IPART report. The lowlight was the fact that the State Government ignored the IPART analysis and recommended Dubbo merge with Wellington.

Next week I will look at some of our plans for next year. Until then, I wish everyone a Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing a huge crowd at the annual Fireworks event.

Councillor Mathew Dickerson

Mayor of the City of Dubbo

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