In the battle of rock versus river, the river
wins—eventually. Not through strength. Not through intelligence. Simply because
the river perseveres against what seems like insurmountable odds. The Grand
Canyon took five to six million years of perseverance.

All it takes to achieve your goal is “Focus
‘n’ Commitment.”

U.S. Patent number 827,297 is for an alkaline battery from Thomas
Edison. Edison was trying to design a storage battery to power electric
automobiles (this was in the nineteenth century), but in the end the battery
found wider applications for various industrial purposes. It became the highly
profitable mainstay of Edison’s business, which allowed him to go on inventing.

At one stage during his experiments, he had made a number of attempts to
create a storage battery, and one of his critics declared that Edison had
failed to deliver because he had tried “10,000 ways to create a storage battery,
and none of them worked.”

Edison declared that he had not failed. He had simply discovered 10,000
ways that won’t work. Every wrong attempt discarded is just one more step
toward the correct solution.

Most weight loss experts tell you that if you want to lose weight, you
should weigh yourself every day. Why? It focuses your attention on your weight
and reaffirms your commitment to your goals.

Henry Ford was well known for overcoming obstacles. Funnily enough, he
didn’t actually notice the obstacles. He often said, “Obstacles are those
frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”

Bottom line? Set your goals and then focus on them and commit all of
your energy to achieving them. You will find the rest often miraculously falls
into place, and you won’t even notice a few bumps along the way.

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