Media release

axxis wins Australia-wide sales competition

COVID-19 has impacted different businesses in different ways. Worldwide shipments of smartphones reduced by 14 per cent which created a huge challenge for retailers in the mobile phone space. While phone sales reduced, data requirements increased as more people worked from home or had to continue their studies remotely. Many people in regional areas face additional challenges with lack of NBN connectivity or fringe reception areas.

Recognising these challenges, Telstra created a competition open to all of their approximately 500 licensed and Partner stores across the nation. The competition related to total sales for a very popular device in COVID-19 times – the Telstra GO Booster. The Telstra GO Booster is designed to improve reception in marginal areas.

The competition was simple. Telstra offered $5,000 for first place and a total of $9,000 in prizemoney in a month-long Australia-wide sales competition with the three stores with the highest number of sales taking out the top three places.

At the end of the competition, one store not only delivered the highest number of sales but had a sales volume that was 240 per cent of the next best in the nation. That store? axxis in Dubbo.

axxis founder, Mathew Dickerson, said, “This competition gave an outcome that our clients and our staff have always been well aware of. In axxis, Dubbo has demonstrably one of the best communication outlets in the nation. Thank you to our clients for always showing such loyalty and commitment to our business and to our staff who strive to have the best knowledge in the industry and deliver the best customer service.”

Scott Mullaly, Regional Engagement Manager for Telstra Retail & Regional said, “The competition aimed to drive awareness of the Telstra GO product for both our staff but more importantly our customers. The Telstra GO device has assisted thousands of customers improve their reception, be it in the home, out on the farm, at their business or travelling around Australia. Mathew and the team at axxis are true champions of this product and have a deep understanding of the real benefits it provides to customers. Their expertise was clearly demonstrated streaking ahead from week one and maintaining their lead throughout the month-long competition. Truly exceptional work by the team”

Xander Peters, Manager of axxis, commented further, “Knowledge is customer satisfaction and COVID-19 has put everyone in the community on a steep learning curve. Our staff have shown an amazing willingness to adapt and learn as the landscape has changed quickly and without knowing what each new day will bring. We are very proud to win this competition but our customers win every day with the exceptional service we deliver.”

Contact: Mathew Dickerson 0418 628 439 (0418 MATHEW)

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