Opening of Wellington Campaign Office
Aunty Glenda will officially open Mathew Dickerson’s campaign office in Wellington
On Wednesday 14 November, local elder Aunty Glenda will officially declare open the Wellington campaign office of Independent Mathew Dickerson. Mr. Dickerson officially launched his campaign on 22 May this year and has been travelling the 17,352.89 square kilometres of the electorate since then.
Mr. Dickerson believes in being accessible so, in addition to the ten different ways Mr. Dickerson advertises to contact him – including his personal mobile phone; e-mail address and social media – he will also have multiple campaign offices in the electorate.
Aunty Glenda was very pleased to be asked to cut the ribbon at the campaign opening. Mr. Dickerson also used the Wellington Men’s Shed to provide the furniture in the office.
The Wellington office is the first of these campaign offices to be opened and will give the public in the Wellington area easy access to Mr. Dickerson when he makes regular visits to the office.
Mr. Dickerson said, “As I have travelled the electorate and met with people in various locations, it seems obvious to me that some people in different parts of the region feel disenfranchised with their current representation. If elected, my job is to ensure I am representing all people across the electorate. I can’t open a campaign office in all 131 localities but I will open multiple offices to give the community better access to me. If elected, I will continue to travel the region on a regular basis and meet with people from all parts of the electorate.”
Day: Wednesday 14 November 2018
Time: 11.30am gathering for a 12midday official opening
Where: 9 Nanima Crescent, Wellington
Who: Media and Public are invited
What: Wellington office official opening by local elder, Aunty Glenda