Everyone in business has heard the statement “The customer is always
right.” Many people question this statement. How can the customer always be
right? Surely the customer is sometimes wrong? Surely there are times when we
just need to stand there and tell the customer just how wrong they are?

It all comes back to viewpoints and whose shoes we are standing in.
Remember that perception is reality,
but not necessarily the truth.

Think of the following simple mathematical logic. Perception = reality.
Reality = truth. Therefore, perception = truth. Q.E.D. The logic is sound, but
the crucial question is: the truth according to whom?

People “corrupt” their memory of any given event or circumstance with
their own slant on that same event according to their entire life history and
what is important to them. Two people can watch the same short event on TV, and
they will remember different parts of it or describe the same event

The point is that the customer is
always right—from his or her point of view. This is extremely important to
remember, especially when dealing with a customer complaint or when a client
wants to resolve an issue. You may think you have bent over backward to resolve
an issue, but the client may perceive it differently. What is “real” does not
matter to your client. What matters is what they think is real. Reality is nothing
more than your perception of what is happening around you.

There is absolutely no value in winning an argument but losing a client.
Check your ego in at the door when you come to work, and be prepared to swallow
your pride and perceive an issue from the point of view of the client. It
matters not that it may not be the truth as you perceive it. Who says that your
perception is better than the client’s perception?

Is your perception of the black and white box above definitely the

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